Welcome to LunchBox! Take a look around for resources that will help you minister to children and their families. You will find:
LunchBox was created with you in mind! Just like a real lunchbox, it's full of nourishing things (and some treats!) that you can choose to consume in whatever order you want. You can even choose to share with a friend!
"Then he had everyone sit down on the grass and he then took the five loaves and two fish. He looked up into heaven, gave thanks to God, and broke the bread into pieces. He then gave it to his disciples, who in turn gave it to the crowds. And everyone ate until they were satisfied, for the food was multiplied in front of their eyes." (Matthew 14:19-20, TPT)
This is a community built for you! The connections, resources, and support available here are all meant to decrease the sense of isolation that often comes in ministry and replace it with all the things you need to thrive personally and professionally!
This is a true collaboration among leaders who love Jesus and love kids and their families! We are grateful to bring together some of the best of the best people, resources, and ideas to benefit you in your unique context. The family of God can accomplish much when we stand together, looking and listening for the leading of the Spirit, and helping each other move to the places the Spirit is at work. Thanks be to God!